Changing the Way We Listen to Sports

The Major League Baseball logo.

The Major League Baseball logo. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As a long time listener/watcher of sports on radio on tv, I (of course) have observations and suggestions on how better to improve the experience.

Take Phillies baseball for example.

Everyone that grew up on Richie, Harry, Soup, etc. disliked Andy Musser and probably thinks that the current play-by-play guys were brought in from a vanilla factory.

You may or may not know, the broadcasters are employees of the team so it is highly unlikely that you will hear a discouraging word until the public outcry becomes insufferable. And then, it will be spun live a weave.

How many time (Sabo) did you want to throw up on “Wheels,” the (obvious) parrot of the organIzation who tells his cute stories about his experience with the players like he grew up with them in the hood.

How about a live podcast to mirror the TV of people that would speak like a fan during the game. Turn the

sound down, boot up the website and listen. Also, have a chat room, etc. to keep fans involved in the discussion.

So when Larry Krewsinski for the 30th time in 6 games strikes out or Bob Bumble gives up his 7th home run in 3 appearances, we can have people that say, “This guy stinks and the manager is an idiot.” Wouldn’t you appreciate an honest broadcast?

Yea, I know, This game cannot be reproduced without the express written consent of Major League Baseball, bah, blah, blah. But di MLB shut down Twitter, Facebook and other internet communication outlooks? No.

So, who’s got the kahunas to start your team’s Honest Broadcast??

Next…hockey, but with a twist!

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