Filed under mortgage

Home appraisers: Don’t blame them for market

By Alan J. Heavens Inquirer Real Estate Writer Ask builders, real estate agents, or mortgage brokers why the housing market continues to occupy a basement apartment, and the word appraisals comes up a lot. As in appraisals done by people unfamiliar with the neighborhood in which a house is located. And increased use by lenders of appraisals generated … Continue reading

Loan Officer Comp Must Change

The people and mission of the CFPB is to make sure that the Consumer (yes, the first name of the organization) are not ripped off. But, did the Fed LO Comp rule promote the abuse of the public?  Let’s look at how. 1. No discounts from yield spread.  You can’t help someone by paying anything. … Continue reading

5 is a bad number

Wouldn’t an economic recover be good? Of course it would.  But it does not seem that the no-governmentally full-controlled mortgage packaging mirrored giants, Fannie Mae (FNMA) and Freddie Mac (FHLMC) really care. If you are an investor of real estate that owns a total of 5 or more properties, you are personal non grata in terms of … Continue reading

On the House: Housing law offers little rescue

By Al HeavensInquirer Real Estate Columnist The much-touted housing-rescue bill has been passed and signed by President Bush, but don’t expect to see change soon.The “bailout” is more symbolic than anything else, said Farah Jiminez, executive director of the community-development corporation Mount Airy USA, likening it to putting “lipstick on a pig.” Massachusetts Institute of … Continue reading